Tuesday, October 14, 2008

When Life Changes..

Our house does not have a lot of storage space, and back in the laundry room there are about 9 storage bins of baby clothes. Baby clothes from having 5 babies. I've put it off for a long time, knowing that I need to go through all of them and donate a lot of it.

And that is what I did last night.

I went through each one, pulling out outfits I hadn't seen in so long, remembering when the kids wore them.

I found Jack's little fleece brown bear hat from Gap that Dan and I bought him right before he was born. We have so many pictures of him wearing it and I hadn't been able to find find it. And there it was. I let out a little bit of a *sigh* when I saw it. It was like finding a treasure. The little brown bear hat didn't go anywhere. I just couldn't part with it. I tucked it away in Jack's memory box thinking maybe one day I would see it again.

And there was Sam's little white onsies from Old Navy with a red wagon on the front. My favorite little outfit when he was just a few weeks old.

And one of Will's preemie outfits that he wore for weeks after he was born. I couldn't believe how tiny it was and it's funny how we just don't remember him that small. But he was.

So many little clothes, and so many memories.

All in all, I cleared out two large storage bins. I couldn't do it all at once, the emotions take over after a while. I have yet to go through all of the girls things. That is for another day.


Laura said...

seriously, i have no idea why we let these kids grow up. they just need to stop it, huh? i have the task of going through 0-3 and 3-6 clothes for the final time. i'm not doing it today.

Dani said...

I HATE going through baby clothes. It's so overwhelming.

I have 5 years worth of little girl clothes, and a friend just gave me 0-3 months all the way through 5T for boys that I need to sort through and wash. AHH!!