Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Where Do They Find These Things?

There is one thing that amazes me about kids.

They have an amazing ability to find things around the house that we thought were in really great hiding spots. Such great hiding spots that neither Dan or myself can find even after we have hidden them ourselves.

For example, scissors. Every year, we have to buy little kid scissors for the school year. We have to hide them when the left-over school supplies come home at the end of May.

And let me add that even though the package says "won't cut hair or clothing", they do. That is a total lie. Trust me.

Will and Libby found a pair of scissors on Monday. We hide these things because they will give anything in sight a haircut (the dogs included. Lucky doggies).

Just like they did to each other.

Okay, let me remind you all that with 5 kids in the house, there is always noise. When there is silence, there are 'problems'. Silence=trouble. I should have known they were up to no good.

I combed a few clumps of Libby's long blonde hair out from her head and Will had a few bald spots.

So you can imagine how proud I felt when I took Will to his preschool developmental testing and his teachers told me that his scissor skills were 'well above average'. I laughed and said, "Yes, I am aware".

Who needs Great Clips when you have a four and a half year old with amazing scissor skills?

Good God, I am one proud mom.


Dani said...

Lilli has cut her hair 4 or 5 times in her short five years of life. The killer was...

The little girl I used to babysit is half black. She has really curly, corkscrew. Apparently, my pin straight Lilli was jealous of her curls. She cut a huge chunk of hair off the top of Deonna's head! AHHH!!!!

It's one thing when it's siblings, but when it's someone elses kid, it's awful! LOL

Laura said...

Maybe a career option?? You need to post some pics of those cute kids with their new hair-do's. :)