Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jack-Jack Attack

It's hard for me to believe that he is eight years old today. It really doesn't seem all that long ago that he was born. It was a cold day with light rain. We were scared and nervous first time parents. We didn't know what to expect. I was in labor for 16 hours. We thought for sure our baby would would have a little blond hair and blue eyes. To our surprise, Jack was born with olive tone skin and almost black hair. That was right at 8:07pm.

To this day, every once in a while, I will catch a glimpse of the clock reading 8:07pm. A mother never forgets.

And despite us not having a clue on how to raise a child, he continues to survive us. And he takes it all in stride.

Jack has always had a zest for life that is contagious. He is this very intelligent, funny, sensitive, sweet little boy that everyone wants to be around. He is a natural first born leader with a strong personality. He's naturally good at every sport he's tried (I'm not even upset over his love for baseball instead of soccer - lol!). He is destined for greatness on so many levels.

This is not a sad day for me that he is a year older. I feel as if the fun is just beginning.


Laura said...

Now why on earth did you think you and Dan would produce a little blue eyed, blond haired baby?? lol Happy birthday Jack!

Dani said...

Happy Birthday Jack!!!

Susie said...

Awwwww Happy Happy Birthday!!!