Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why I Will Never Buy An American Made Car

As I sit here looking out the window at our Dodge Grand Caravan, which is DEAD in the driveway, I am reminded why I will never again buy an American made car. They are pieces of crap. The car is 4 years old, we bought it brand new with just 36 miles on it and in 4 years, it's been in the shop with MAJOR problems...ohhh....5 times.

My 2000 Honda Accord, which I bought brand new with just 19 miles on it, did not buy an extended warranty, and now has 113,000 miles on it, has been in the shop for NOTHING but oil changes and tune ups.

When the "American" (and I say "American" because Ford gets it's car parts from Mexico) car companies make a car that is worth a damn, I may consider buying another one. Until that day comes, I'm sticking with Honda and Toyota.

1 comment:

Dani said...

We have a 6 year old Dodge Grand Caravan with 88+k miles on it. It's running great!