Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Haunting of the Cast

This morning while Will and Libby were at preschool, Anne and I had a few errands to run. We went to the grocery store for a few things and after dropping everything off at home, we went to Walmart.

Have I ever mentioned that I hate Walmart? It's really a love/hate situation. I love their prices, but hate the way the store is set up. It's just not my favorite place, but will tolerate it to save a little money.

While we were there, standing in the laundry detergent isle, I was busy talking to my sister on the cell and the next thing I know, Anne is yelling "MOM!". When I turned to her sitting in the cart, she handed me her cast.

Yep, she slipped it off. I guess the swelling had gone down enough, because it took her little to no effort to pull it off.

Now, we are "patiently" waiting for the pedi ortho to call back to tell us what to do (like this is brain surgery or something).

My father is right.....It's always something.

1 comment:

Laura said...

haha! that's funny!