Saturday, November 28, 2009

Some Days Are Better Than Others

...And today was one of those days.

I have found over the past 9 years that parenting is not always easy. That somehow, you have to be strong even though you are exhausted after only having 4 hours of sleep. Kids don't care that their parents are tired. You don't have the luxury of taking a nap in the middle of the day. You just have to suck it up and do the best you can.

The older kids don't care that the baby is teething, or hasn't slept through the night since the day he was born.

The baby doesn't care that the older kids are hungry and want lunch.

The baby also doesn't care that mom and dad both work and work terrible hours. That mom just needs a few minutes to wrap a few Christmas presents or needs to do five loads of laundry or balance the checkbook.

None of the kids understand that mom and dad would like 5 minutes to themselves.

This is parenting.

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