Thursday, March 5, 2009

Please Explain This To Me

Okay, here's the thing about some mother's that really get to me. I'm the type of mother that will tell you exactly how things are around my house. I don't sugar-coat things, I don't make my kids out to be more than they are. I have my opinions on a lot, and I totally get that what works in my house, doesn't work for everyone. And that's okay, I don't judge others because I may do things differently.

I do however, have a problem with parents who are hypocrites.

For example, the other day, Jack invited a friend over after school. They watched "Tom and Jerry" and went to play outside.

The next day, the mother of this little boy told me that they don't allow their children to watch "Tom and Jerry" because it is too violent.

"Okay", I thought to myself. To each their own.

UNTIL, this SAME mother asked if Jack (our eight year old) could come over and watch "Lord of the Rings" with them. WhAt??!!

Was she serious???!!!!

"Tom and Jerry" is too violent, but "Lord of the Rings" is just fine.

Please explain to me the difference.....

Like I said, I can't stand hypocrites....

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