Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Just Don't Know Anymore...

To go into nursing or not.

SLU has a PA program that I am super excited about. But gosh, talk about being $100,000 in debt when that's all over. AND Missouri (as of now) doesn't really use PA's and I'm not in the mood to work in Illinois (corrupt, bankrupt state...hence Obama).

I've been looking into Surgical Tech stuff. That is only a two year program and super easy, but I don't know if I want to settle.

The PCA position that I do now is terrible. We are under-paid, over-worked, and very much unappreciated. We do everything that the nurses "don't have time to do", aka don't WANT to do. We carry teams of up to twelve patients. The nurses only carry teams of (no more than) five.

We see a lot of things that most people don't even know happens in a hospital. We have a sick (no pun intended) sense of humor, we make fun of patients and their families just to lighten the mood of a bad situation. We don't know your name, nor do we really care, only your room number. We can be rude to patients if they won't get off their cell phone when we walk in their room to do our jobs. We really, really dislike it when husbands stay over night. Your wife is a big girl, so go home. No, I don't have any idea how you can get more Toradol or Percocet to take home with you. *Rolling eyes*. We can sniff out a drug seeker or pain killer abuser a mile away.

See, all of it has made me a bit insensitive. Actually, a lot insensitive. For the most part, I have gotten used to not bringing the job home with me.

Some images stick with you for a long, long time.

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